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Monday, July 27, 2015

There's an Oil for That!

       In a previous post (check it out by clicking the word post), I talked about why I use Young Living essential oils. Today I thought I'd share a few ways that I used them last week! No joke, I use these oils daily. Sometime I diffuse something. Usually I am putting a few on topically. I even ingest them by drinking lemon daily. There are SO many ways to use these amazing little bottles that I just have to share a couple of them!

(No, our garden doesn't look quite like this... but close. ;) I wish...)

       This is the first year we decided to plant a garden. We didn't want to use any harsh chemicals on our plants because we planned on Emma eating some of it. Enter the magical oil...  PEPPERMINT! We didn't want pesky little bugs invading our garden and eating away at our plants that we worked hard on growing so I made a simple recipe that is safe to spray on plants. The CrAzY and cool part about all of this is that the literal minute second that I started spraying it, the bugs were flying like crazy trying to get away! Awesome, right?!
Peppermint Garden Spray
-8 oz or 16 oz spray bottle
-1 cup distilled water
-1/2 tsp. natural soap (I actually used Dawn, and it worked great)
-10-15 drops of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil
(I doubled my recipe so I could get several uses out of it.)

       Does anyone have a patch of dry skin that will literally NOT go away. It doesn't matter what you try, it just is always there? Ever since my crazy pregnancy hormones showed up last year (and I'm still convince some are just hanging around for the heck of it), I have had the driest (like the desert on a miserably hot day) skin on my face, especially around my eye brows. I can scratch and scratch and the flakes just keep flying. Ew, gross... I made this peppermint (can you tell that I just LOVE this oil?!) sugar scrub to exfoliate my face. I can't get enough of this stuff! Try it out! It is super easy to make!

Coffee Peppermint Sugar Scrub
- glass jar
- 1/4 cup dried, used coffee grounds
- 1/4 cup white sugar
- 1/4 brown sugar
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 tbsp. coconut oil
Mix it all together in the glass jar, and exfoliate away! It smells magnificently beautiful!

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