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Friday, July 17, 2015

Life with Essential Oils

       It all started about a year ago. I was pregnant with my daughter and majorly stressing over being responsible for a little life. I was all of the sudden way too aware of the harmful chemicals/substances in... well... just about everything! From food, to shampoo, to household cleaning products... Scared this new mama!

       A friend and co-worker had been using and talking about these "essential oils." I just thought, "A new fad... it'll pass. They can't possibly work." (My dad is a pharmacist, and I can name (and pronounce!) more drugs than most people.) But then she kept sharing and sharing, and I started listening. As the school year dragged on, I noticed that she was hardly taking any days to stay home with sick kids. She also talked about how she loved cleaning with her oils, and how amazing they left her house smelling. I started asking her questions...

       Fast forward to today. I bought a kit from her and decided that I wanted to share these awesome oils with my friends and family so I became a distributor. People often mistakenly think that it is just another mlm company, and I am in it to "get rich." So. Not. True. I am still learning A LOT about my oils, but I can tell you that, without a doubt, I do not regret buying my kit, and we use these oils every day! My purpose in distributing these oils is to help others like my friend/co-worker helped me. I want my friends and family to live healthy, happy lives!

       In what ways do I use them?
          1. I clean with them! (Thieves/Lemon/Thieves Cleaner/Purification are game changers when it comes to cleaning!)
          2. I diffuse them to freshen the air and create different environments. When I'm feeling groggy after a rough night of sleep, I might diffuse Citrus Fresh or Lemon/Peppermint to help rejuvenate me. If Emma is out of sorts or I am stressed/overwhelmed, I might diffuse Lavender, Stress Away, or Peace & Calming to create a relaxed environment.
          3. I use them topically for the same reasons that I diffuse them. I also use them in a lip/body scrub. (take that dry skin!) I mix with coconut oil to help with Emma's diaper rash. So. Many, Ways...
          4. I ingest them. Lemon water anyone? (amazing for scratchy throat!) Peppermint brownies? (YUM!) (When ingesting, remember to ONLY use therapeutic grade oils. I only use Young Living which I'll explain below. NOT all essential oils are created equal. Some are NOT safe to ingest!)

       I did some research, and the only company I feel good about getting my oils from is Young Living. What are essential oils anyway? Essential oils come from different parts of plants. These plants are grown, harvested, distilled, and bottled. Why Young Living? They are the only company with a "Seed to Seal" promise. What does that mean??? They monitor their oils from the moment they are seeds to the seal that goes on the bottle! Every part of the process is completed under the company's watchful eye. They are tested according to their high standards and even disposed of if the oils fail to meet those standards! (Now that is something I can feel good great about!)

       Watch for some fun posts about how I use my oils and crafty recipes in the future! :)

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